I needed some details for a small HO scale mechanic shop scratch build I've been working on and decided to take some scraps of heavy paper and make a tool chest and added some cabinets too.
Leave a comment if you would like me to provide instructions or a build video.
Billboards are common in many places, sizes, and era's In this article I'll walk you through creating an older style wooden billboard from a styrene For Sale sign. The size of our billboard will be 12'x24'. Pieces Cut the following pieces. Dimensions are given in scale feet/inches. 1@ 12' x 24' - billboard 2 @ 2" x 6" x 24' - trim 2 @ 2" x 6" x 12' - trim 4 @ 2" x 6" x 23' - sign backing 1 @ 2" x 6" x 23' - lateral brace 8@ 2" x 8" x 9' - platform support 8@ 2" x 6" x 23' - braces 8@ 2" x 6" x 24' - uprights 3@ 2"x 8" x 24' - planks Directions Glue pairs of 2" x 6" x 23' braces together to make 4 braces. Glue pairs of 2" x 6" x 24' uprights together to make 4 uprights. Glue the 2" x 6" x 24' and 2" x 6" x 12' pieces around the edge of the billboard. Some will need trimmed to length. Evenly spa...
Inspired by a recent Model Railroader magazine article I decided to try and build a hopper barge and and got sidetracked on this deck barge. I chose to use card stock but polystyrene, matte board, or other products could also be used. I started by using Elmer's Glue All to laminate 4 pieces of letter sizes card stock together to get the stiffness I wanted which is about 0.04". Tools & Materials Building material options: 4 sheets of card stock, polystyrene sheets, or matte board. Glue: Aleene's® Tacky Glue, Elmer's® Glue All®, Thin Super Glue (CA) Sharp knife or scissors Printout of plans or ruler Details: Cleats (6+). I put 3 on each side but I've also seen an additional 1 on each end. Bit Bollards (4) Tire bumpers (about 60) Sealer such as Matte Medium or Enamel Clear matte finish. Paint Weathering materials Build Steps Build Material: Print out the provided template ( PDF ) and laminate with 4 sheets of card stock. Or whatever thickness seems ap...
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